

May 13, 2023

29 Most Prolific Rock + Metal Artists of the 21st Century

Breaks are overrated! While it's not uncommon for bands to hold off on recording until after touring is done or even to set aside some time between records to live a little life outside the music world, there are plenty of acts that always seem to be in 24-7 creative mode. And that's what we're saluting here, as we bring you the Most Prolific Rock + Metal Artists of the 21st Century.

Though we're just starting the third decade of the 21st century, there are a number of acts that have already issued 10 or more albums since the start of 2001. And though it's a broad range of acts who've pulled off this feat, we should offer a nod of respect to the more extreme metal acts who heavily populate this list.

Some acts are especially prolific, with the leader on this list churning out 18 albums in 23 years, with their closest competitor one off the pace at 17. Remember when we were worried about Weezer's future after Pinkerton? After that five year break, they became one of the most prolific acts of the 21st Century. And you can give props to Thrice as well, who took a five-year recording hiatus yet still managed to make this list.

READ MORE: Rivers Cuomo Seems to Regret That Weezer Released 'Too Much' Music

So who's been busy? Join us as we count down the most prolific rock and metal artists of the 21st Century below and on the other end of the scale, see the active rock and metal bands who haven't released a new album in five years in the gallery below that.