

Jun 09, 2023

Brawl Stars: Tier List for Chromatic Brawlers

If you’re new to Brawl Stars, you may be wondering which brawlers in the game work the best. But reading an entire tier list can also be draining, especially if you just want to see how certain brawlers perform. So to make it shorter, here's a tier list for each brawler in the Chromatic category. We’ll update the overall list as we make more tier lists for each rarity.

Eve – As the only brawler who can hover over water, Eve is one of the best brawlers in the game. Just slap a reload gear and her Quadruplets gear (which lets her egg spawn an extra hatchling) and you're set. Her Gotta Go Gadget is great for escaping enemies, and her Happy Surprise Star Power lets her spawn an extra hatchling if she can connect her attacks.

Eve is great for any open map, but we feel her best modes are Bounty and Knockout. She can also be useful in Gem Grab, as she can use her hatchlings to seek out the enemy gem carrier.

Otis – Otis' Silent Seabed Super broke the game when he first came out, and it still is. He literally prevents enemies from being able to do anything except for movement. In some ways it's almost worse than a stun because of how helpless you'll feel when muted by him. We recommend his Stencil Glue Star Power, which will mute enemies for an additional second.

He has great range, does a lot of damage, and it's easy to aim his shots due to the way they spread out.

Ash – It's hard to close-range brawlers to find their footing in Brawl Stars sometimes. However, Ash is a warpath of destruction. He may have a delayed attack like Frank, but his rage meter makes him worth it. For all the damage he receives and deals, his rage bar will fill up, increasing his speed and damage output. He's especially useful in Duo Showdown, Brawl Ball, and Gem Grab.

Ash's Super spawns a group of robotic rats that deal damage on impact and provide extra shielding for him when going up against brawlers who don't have piercing attacks.

Gale – Gale is one of the most annoying brawlers to face off against in Brawl Stars. His attack is good, his star powers are all great, and his twister gadget is so clutch. On modes like Brawl Ball or Volley Brawl, he can set up twisters where the ball sits or where it's going to land. This prevents opponents from reaching their objective, giving the old man and his teammates potential to score. He can stun, slow, and deal decent damage even when he's not up close.

Fang – Fang is a close range brawler at heart, but his main attack is ranged and can travel far. It may not due a lot of damage, but it does wonders for charging his super, which will let him slide-kick his way to his enemies. Up close, Fang is deadly, and he can shield himself from the first attack with his Divine Soles Star Power. You can also use his Fresh Kicks Star Power, which will recharge his Super if he manages to defeat the enemy with his previous super.

Oh, and he can stun too.

Surge – Without his teleport, many were wondering what would happen to Surge. Those worries were put aside when people discovered he can now hop over walls, dealing damage as he lands. What keeps Surge out of S+ is that you have to upgrade him throughout the match. He has four stages that can be upgraded via super. When he dies, he respawns back to stage I, unless you use the Serve Ice Cold Star Power (which will respawn him at II).

Surge deals a lot of damage, and can reload ammo easily with his Power Shield gadget.

Lola – We feel like Lola hasn't gotten enough love recently. Her main attack has a nice spread which keeps enemies at bay. Her super, however, is very useful. She can spawn a clone that mimics her movements and attacks, which she can switch places with using her Stunt Double Star Power (while recharging 1000 HP).

She has access to the reload gear. It can be useful if matched with her Improvise Star Power (which increases her last ammo's attack by 30%).

Mandy – Mandy is the definition of Very Long Range. When standing still she fills a focus bar. With a full focus bar, her attack range increases beyond the player's screen. This is very useful for modes like Bounty, Knockout, Duels, and even Gem Grab.

Mandy's Super, Sugar Ray, is a powerful blast that literally has infinite range. It does so much damage it can even wipe out many brawlers with just one shot. We recommend her Carmelize Gadget (which slows down the opponent for 2.5 seconds) and her In My Sights Star Power (which increases her focus speed by 20%). If she had access to using a reload gear she would probably be the best ranged brawler.

Sam – Sam is the only brawler in the game who begins with his own Super. He can launch his knuckle busters away, dealing damage while increasing his speed. Using his Hearty Recovery Star Power, he can recharge 20% of his HP by picking his knuckle busters back up. He's great for Brawl Ball, Close range Gem Grab Maps, and Hot Zone.

We recommend his Magnetic Field Gadget. It can pull enemies toward his knuckle busters. Additionally, it can pull brawlers away from the brawl ball, even if they were carrying it.

Buster – Buster has seen some nerfs, specifically to his damage. However, he's still pretty good and has his uses. He can charge his super by standing near teammates. His Super, Montage, puts up a shield that deflects enemy attacks back to them. He's very useful in Hot Zone and Brawl Ball, and his attacks can pierce through enemies.

We recommend his Slo-Mo replay Gadget, which pulls enemies towards him and slows them for 2 seconds. Considering he does more damage up close, this is a dream come true for Buster fans.

Janet – Oh, poor Janet. Almost everything about her has been nerfed and she requires a little more skill to use now. That being said, she's still pretty good. Her main attack has good range and pierces through enemies. Her Vocal Warm Up Star power increases her main attack's focus while aiming, and both of her gadgets are pretty good.

Despite Drop The Bass being nerfed, It's still good for revealing enemies and preventing them from healing. Her backstage Pass gadget is also great for getting away from surprise attacks. She's still very good in Bounty, Knockout, and Gem Grab.

Lou – Lou is almost as annoying as Gale, but he's a little more manageable to go up against. He has good range, and freezes enemies via Super or main attack. Both his star powers are really good. They can either freeze enemies standing in his Super's zone faster (Supercool) or reduce enemy damage output dependent on how frozen they are (Hypothermia).

Lou is good for almost any mode except perhaps Heist. We especially like him in Hot Zone and Bounty.

Belle – When she first came out, Belle was one of the best ranged brawlers. Her main attack range was reduced, as well as her main attack and bounce damage. She has her uses in modes like Knockout or Bounty, but people are smart to her mechanics by now. If facing a Belle, just don't stand near your teammates and she's a lot less intimidating.

While her Supers are okay, we do like her Nest Egg Gadget, which slows down enemies who stand on her bear traps.

Collette – Nobody likes taxes, except perhaps Collette. While she can't take down enemies easily, her main attack is great for taxing enemy health and giving your teammates an opportunity for a kill shot. The thing about Collette is that she needs good teammates who she can support. If there's anything we all know about Brawl Stars, is that it's hard to find good teammates.

But she can deal extra damage (Na-Ah) or heal herself (Gotcha) with her gadgets, and her Push It Star Power greatly improves her Super ability. Overall she's not bad, but she needs help.

R-T – R-T is similar to Belle because they can both mark enemies, which will increase yours or your teammates next attacks on them. However, Belle must use her super to do this while R-T's main attack can do it right away. Though it seems good, Belle's Super lasts until the enemy has fallen. R-T's main attack only lasts for a few seconds, or when they're attacked once.

His Super form is pretty good, though be careful where you use it. R-T's body splits into two and can both do an attack similar to Jacky's. Often times, we see R-T users splitting in two in unprotected spots of the map, which makes him an easy target for enemies.

Ruffs – The Colonel has an attack that can bounce on walls and has some pretty decent gadgets and star powers. However, Ruffs can only be good if his teammates are good. Anyone who's played with randoms on Brawl Stars knows the frustration that comes with doing so.

His Super launches a rocket that drops an attack and health upgrade that he or his teammates can pick up. The problem, though, is relying on your teammates to not die when they get it. If they're wiped out moments after, then Ruffs' super will have been wasted. So while the brawler himself may not belong in D Tier, it's tough to find teammates who compliment his play style.

At least he's a good boy, though.

Buzz – Buzz may be able to stun brawlers, but using him can be difficult since people have become used to his antics. His Super can be charged by standing near opponents, or by attacking. The problem with this is that you often see Buzz players sit back for too long trying to charge a super rather than attack. He can instantly charge his super using Reserve Buoy, but it won't stun enemies. It's a double edged sword.

Because so many brawlers can either slow, stun, or jump away, close-range brawlers such as Buzz can have trouble trying to take down their enemy. We recommend his Eyes Sharp Star Power, which will at least increase his Super Charge zone by 33%.

Maisie – We appreciate that Maisie wasn't overpowered on launch, but she was perhaps a bit underpowered. First off, you cannot auto-aim with her. Doing so will result in wasted ammo and potential death. Her attack doesn't do much damage either to compensate, though she can recharge her Super fairly quickly. Good luck trying to charge it though, as aiming with her can be challenging.

Maisie has a good Super, which can slow down enemies with her Tremors Star Power, but it's not enough to get her out of F tier. At this point, she's arguably the worst ranged brawler in the game, though we think Supercell will address this in the future.

That wraps it up for the Brawl Stars Chromatic Brawlers Tier List. That concludes our Brawl Stars Rarity Tier list series. At some point in the future we plan on having a tier list that combines all rarities into one big list for those who are interested. Thank you for reading!

We can't wait to see what the future of Brawl Stars holds. Until then, check out ClutchPoints Gaming for more Brawl Stars and Gaming content.

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Massimo Marchiano · 3 days ago

Massimo Marchiano · 3 days ago

Massimo Marchiano · 4 days ago

Eve – Otis – Ash – Fang – Lola – Mandy – Sam – Buster – Janet – Lou – Belle – Collette – R-T – Ruffs – Buzz – Maisie –