

Nov 01, 2023

Dead Island 2: The End of the Line Walkthrough

Here's a complete walkthrough for The End of the Line main quest in Dead Island 2.

As the story progresses in Dead Island 2, players fight to escape Los Angeles now that it's been overrun by zombies. Their pursuit takes them underground through the Metro station during the second to last main quest, The End of the Line.

The End of the Line is full of environmental puzzles, Apex Zombies, and more challenges. Players should ensure they are prepared before venturing into the Metro because it's a long journey. This walkthrough covers everything players need to know about the End of the Line in Dead Island 2.

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The End of the Line is the twenty-third main mission in Dead Island 2, where players are trying to get to Hollywood Boulevard with Sam B, Emma, and Patton. After exiting Patton's underground hideout, players start the End of the Line by running through the tunnel to find the trio waiting near a quarantine door.

Players can interact with the door to trigger a cutscene where they get separated from the group and have to find another way around. They also come face to face with a Vicious Butcher Zombie before it takes off after the group.

Once players turn back the way they came, a door opens, and a Burning Walker attacks. Take him down and go inside the door to find the first puzzle.

The room is full of pressure tanks, water tanks, and pipes along the walls shooting out large flames, making it impossible to continue. The side objective changes to Equalize the Pressure. The backside of the room has three vertical tanks that display the correct pressure needed to make them work. An open gas pipe leaking gasoline near the pressure tanks maintains the flames on the floor.

The first tank needs a pressure of 10 to equalize. The pipes control the pressure, and players have three to adjust. Players should start with the gas pipe across from the pressure tanks missing a valve wheel. To the left of the entrance is a fenced-off area with a water valve and the missing valve wheel sitting inside. Crouch to go inside and pick up the valve wheel and exit to place it on the designated gas valve.

This valve controls the gasoline that is dispersing over into the room. Turn it to stop it, and then find the water pipe next to the pressure tanks and use it to douse the gas in the water and extinguish the fire. Once the flames are clear, players can access the fuel pipe labeled 10 to equalize the first tank.

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The second tank needs to be at level 20 to equalize. To do this, turn off the level 10 gas valve to zero out the pressure. Then, use the gas pipe across from the pressure tanks to reach 20. Finally, the last tank equalizes at level 50.

Zero out the pressure again by turning the level 20 valve and then use the water valve inside the fenced-off area labeled 50 to set the pressure correctly. However, as soon as the third tank is equalized, a group of Burning Walkers will attack. Take them down and continue deeper into the Metro through the door exiting the train tunnel.

Go left and enter the train car. The next car is full of Zombies, so be ready to fight them to move forward. Move through the second car and head toward the blue light at the end of the tunnel. Go through the path on the right to get to the next step. The path leads to an entry point to the vent systems. Players must follow the vents until they see two stacked fragile boxes and knock them down. Follow the path to the next area with the Vicious Butcher from earlier waiting to attack.

The Vicious Butcher is a more robust version of the Apex Zombies, similar to Butcho the Clown from an earlier mission. It will attack in stabbing jabs, and it's got a hard defensive guard that must be broken if players want to land any damage. Avoid taking damage because Butchers will land hit after hit and are hard to evade once trapped.

Butchers are also the only Apex variant that can regenerate health. They do this by eating off the corpses in the area, but it leaves them vulnerable, so players should take the chance to attack when possible. After defeating the Vicious Butcher, go up the staircase and through the double doors. Then keep going until there is another set of doors on the left. These doors lead to a more open area with tracks and train cars. To the right will be a Zombie hoard rushing toward players.

In the group are multiple Hazmat Walkers, and a Mutated Walker called the Metro Engineer. Players can take him down to get their hands on a helpful key. Then keep going to the right, following the Metro to an exit door. There is a safe zone with a repair bench, a map, and storage lockers players can use to fix ammo or exchange weapons.

Take the door on the left after leaving the safe zone and follow the path to another door where players will see Sam B, Emma, and Patton fighting off Zombies. This updates the objective to meet up with them down the Metro line.

RELATED: Hardest Apex Zombies in Dead Island 2

Jump down from atop the train and fight off the Zombies in the below area. Go deeper into the Metro, and a large, short tunnel with gas and flames is blocking the way into the next train. Players can use the water jugs outside the tunnel to put out the water as they move forward.

Unfortunately, fire isn't the only danger, and as the flames die down, Zombies hidden in them will wake up and attack players. The most difficult to handle is the Inferno Crusher, but there are also Burning Walkers, Runners, and Firefighter Zombies.

Take down the runner Zombies first as they push the hardest, then focus on the bigger guys. Of course, if players leave the area and come back, all the zombies will respawn. After handling all the Zombies, go into the tunnel and enter the train at the back. Move quickly to avoid taking burns. Go through the train and exit on the left to find a staircase.

Go up the stairs and through the hallways into another tunnel. Then, players will come across a locked door that starts the next objective.

To continue towards Hollywood, players must restore power to the blocked door. Several Hazmat Zombies are waiting behind it, but players can deal with them after it's unlocked. Go to the double doors a little ways back, and once it's open, a Voltaic Screamer appears.

Voltaic Screamers release a piercing shriek that is full of electrical currents. Additionally, their screams draw in nearby Zombies. Players should keep their distance and use ranged weapons or explosives when taking on Screamers. Landing headshots or hitting other critical spots is the fastest way to silence one. After taking down the Screamer, go through the door it was blocking.

There's a small room with one half behind a fence with a faulty power box creating an electricity trap. Use the box stack next to the fence to climb on top, and use a curveball or ranged weapon to break the power box. Next, jump into the fenced area and grab the circuit breaker inside the box. Throw it over the fence and then climb back over.

Pick it up again and go into the room with the red light across from the entrance to the room. This takes players to a flooded room with electrical currents, so walking across the floor is impossible. Instead, players will have to use the environment and jump across the stacked boxes and panels to get to the other side of the room safely. Make sure not to drop the circuit breaker while jumping. Throw it across the room first to make things easier, but avoid the water.

Pick the circuit breaker up and go up the stairs. Follow the hallway to find the breaker panel that controls the door. After inserting the circuit, the doors will open, and the Hazmat Zombies will rush out. Return to the flooded room where a breaker panel ejected its circuit and put the new circuit next to it. This removes the electrical hazard in the water.

Kill the Hazmat Zombies and go through the door they came from to get to the next step of the mission. Follow the Metro tracks into the train tunnel. There's a group of Zombies along the way, including a Burster that can be used to take out the others. Go with the tracks, and it leads to an outdoor area with a stopped train.

Find the power lever next to a dead body against the train, and flip the lever to trigger a Zombie attack. Players will have to fight their way through four waves, each with different Apex Zombies in their midst. The first wave has Runners and Grenade Walkers. If players trigger the grenades, they will explode and take some of their fellow Zombies with them.

The second wave gets harder to handle with a Putrified Slobber spitting acid at players. Maintain distance and don't stay in one place for too long to avoid getting hit with its sludge. Slobbers are slow, so if players focus their attacks, it will go down quickly. The hard part is evading the other Zombies attacking, especially the Spiky Runners.

RELATED: Dead Island 2: Hollywood Ending Walkthrough

The third wave includes Hazmat Zombies, Bursters, and Caustic-X Walkers that explode and release poisonous gas. Again, players can use the Bursters to their advantage and use their explosions to kill the others. Finally, the final wave is the most intense, with Inferno Crushers, Firestorm Slobbers, Voltaic Screamers, and Firefighter Zombies rushing players. It would be an excellent time to go into Fury Mode to fight off the masses.

After all the Zombies are defeated, players can board the train and take it to Hollywood.

The final push of The End of the Line in Dead Island 2 is escaping the train station and meeting up with Emma, Patton, and Sam B. When the train arrives in Hollywood, players must exit and enter the platform on the left. There will be a set of broken stairs over a blocked room that leads to the exit. To get inside the room, players must go around until they find a small window where they can see a stack of fragile boxes blocking the entrance.

Use a ranged weapon to shoot the boxes, and the door opens. Players will find lots of resources in the room and a hallway blocked with electrical hazards. There is a Water Pipe with a missing valve wheel. The valve wheel is on top of one of the metal lockers, and players must jump to grab it. Replace the wheel and turn off the water pouring into the hall.

Players will also need to shoot the power box at the end of the hall, which wakes up a Shocking Walker. Kill the Walker, and follow the path upward out of the train station. There will be an exit gate on the next level that needs power. To get the power on, go into the hallway across from the gate and turn on the water valve. This carries electricity between two broken wires, so players can use the lever to lift the gate.

From there, it's a race to the top of the train station. There are Zombies all along the path, but if players are hasty, they can run past them. There will be a second set of shutters that they must manually hold open to get through before they reach the train station exit and trigger a cutscene with Emma, Patton, and Sam B to close the mission.

Rewards for completing The End of the Line include 7,500 XP, a short-barreled shotgun, and a new Numen Card.

Dead Island 2 is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

Taylor Pittman got her Technical and Creative Writing Degree in 2021 and has a passion for video games and storytelling. She has enjoyed reading and writing since she was old enough to pick up a pencil. Her love for video games quickly followed when she was gifted a copy of Pokemon Red and a Gameboy Color as her first gaming system. Her favorite genres are RPGs, Life Sims, and Puzzles.