

Sep 06, 2023

Drivers warned about little known rule when filling up at Tesco petrol stations

In 2021, Halford reported an increase of 1650% in sales of jerry cans and plastic fuel containers in response to a shortage of petrol in the UK - and some people have continued to use them since

Customers who use Tesco petrol stations have been warned about a little-known rule they may need to be aware of.

Most people go to petrol stations to fill up their cars, however, some people use the forecourts to fill up jerry cans.

In 2021, Halford reported an increase of 1650% in sales of jerry cans and plastic fuel containers in response to a shortage of petrol in the UK - and some people have continued to use them since.

If you're thinking of filling up your jerry can at Tesco you'll need to be aware that the supermarket will only allow you to fill up two containers, and they must not exceed 30 litres between them.

A Tesco spokesperson told the Salisbury Journal: "Under the Petroleum Consolidation Regulations, we are required to have a policy in place to ensure the safe use of portable fuel containers at our petrol stations.

"Our policy is that only two portable containers (with a maximum combined capacity of 30 litres) may be filled on each visit by a customer."

The warning comes after a Wiltshire man complained to the supermarket after he was told he would be reported to the police for filling up three jerry cans of petrol.

Malcolm Cupis, from Keevil, told the Salisbury Journal that he was "rudely accosted" by a forecourt assistant at the Tesco Extra store in County Way, Trowbridge, on a weekend visit in March.

He said he was threatened with being reported to police for "illegally" filling three standard five-litre jerry cans after also putting fuel in his car.

Malcolm said the extra petrol was to be used on his classic motorcycles and his lawnmower.

He told the publication that his pre-paid pump was switched off whilst he was filling up the cans and staff approached him telling him to stop.

He said: "She came across the forecourt and shouted ‘stop that’ at me in front of other customers. The forecourt was packed and it was quite embarrassing.

"She told me that they had CCTV and that they intended to report me to the police for breaking the law and that I was only allowed to fill up two containers."

Malcolm contacted the supermarket on Twitter about his experience and claims he was told that a "maximum of two containers" for the carrying of fuel is allowed by law under the Carriage of Dangerous Goods and the European Agreement Regulations.

Tesco shares its guidelines for filling up jerry cans with fuel on its website and this was updated in December 2022.

Alongside this, the supermarket says that only authorised plastic or metal containers can be used and each can must have a sign or writing on them that states the liquid being carried is highly flammable.