

May 20, 2023

Patch Notes

※ The times shown below are subject to change.

※ Please note that PC players can anticipate map changes every Wednesday at 2 AM UTC, while Console players can expect the same every Thursday at 7 AM UTC.

※ In Random Map regions, each map will have an equal probability of being selected, with a probability of 20%.

We're turning Tactical Gear into essential items by bestowing them a new purpose, enhancing their significance beyond consumable options. Experience the game in a multitude of ways with this update, whether playing individually or as part of a team. From beginners to veterans, the renewed Tactical Gear can foster a sense of achievement among all players by enabling them to contribute to the success of their squad.

※ This update applies to only Normal Matches, Intense Battle Royale mode, and Custom Matches (Normal Match, Intense Battle Royale).

We also strive to maintain the fundamental system of Tactical Gear while rebalancing their overall stats this update as Tactical Gear have changed to a basic, required item for all:

To primarily serve the purpose of team healing rather than self-healing, the healing feature will only apply to team members. Additionally, to balance the overly beneficial healing effects when using heal items, the usage time of heal items has been adjusted to the following:

Improved for more straightforward and less time-consuming use.

The Blue Chip Detector has been perceived as an overperforming gear. Therefore, it has been decided to receive several adjustments to harmonize it with other Tactical Gear.

< Dev's Comment >

Following the initial introduction of Tactical Gear, we have observed their considerable utility in gameplay. However, we also understand the magnitude of the decision players are faced with in sacrificing a primary weapon slot for Tactical Gear, particularly in battle scenarios where mid-to-long range combat is crucial. As such, with the renewal of the Tactical Gear system, we eagerly anticipate witnessing our players' varied gameplay strategies!

For example, for solo play, we look forward to see players utilizing a strategy centered around their chosen Tactical Gear, which you'd select to complement your primary weapon. You may opt for a slow-burn approach with the EMT Gear, spending more time looting and gradually entering the Safe Zone. The Drone and Blue Chip Detector can help with a strategy that involves quick penetration of the center area, swiftly identifying incoming enemies. And the Tactical Pack could suit those favoring weapons with high ammo consumption. As for the Spotter Scope, it may be ideal for players selecting weapons aimed at precise long-distance engagement.

As for team play, we anticipate strategic looting that aligns with team dynamics while avoiding overlapping roles. Each teammate would have a distinct role, contributing effectively to the team's primary goal. Utilize the Drone and Spotter Scope for ordering and coordination. Or the Spotter Scope could enhance accuracy for those sharpshooters. The EMT Gear and Tactical Pack may also be helpful to novice players, so they could actively contribute to team survival, or even the Blue Chip Detector for optimal information delivery.

With this change, we are also committed to implementing constraints that are proportional to in-game performance - we do not aim to unfairly boost the abilities of already-skilled players. With this in mind, we've made it so that once a Tactical Gear is selected, it becomes irreplaceable. Players are required to use their chosen equipment consistently throughout the match. We have also proceeded with an overall balance update.

The current Helmet/Armor Repair Kits and Mechanic's Toolbox seemed to have limited applications in specific circumstances - therefore, we're merging them into a single versatile Repair Kit that can repair Helmets, Vests, and vehicles. With this multipurpose tool, you can now consider the possibility of pursuing the role of your team's go-to mechanic.

※ This update applies to only Normal Matches, Intense Battle Royale mode, and Custom Matches (Normal Match, Intense Battle Royale).

If the character carrying out the repair, or the subject undergoing the repair, moves using the movement keys.

Emergency Pickup, BZ Grenade, Jammer Pack, Mortar, and Panzerfaust

After the Vikendi Reborn update last year, we've diligently monitored player trends and incorporated your valuable feedback into the latest update.

The quantity and quality of items discoverable in caves' Supply Drops have been downgraded.

Reduced combat time from 160 seconds to 100 seconds.

A storage unit specifically designed for Crowbars has been added to garages that are accessible with a Crowbar. This storage unit has a high probability of containing a Crowbar.

Below are the rewards you'll be receiving based on your final Tier from the previous Ranked season.


Season 23 Rewards

Gold PUBG ID Emblem

Ranked Parachute Skin

Animated Platinum PUBG ID Emblem

Ranked Parachute Skin

Platinum Medal

Animated Diamond PUBG ID Emblem

Ranked Parachute Skin

Platinum, Diamond Medal

Animated Master PUBG ID Emblem

Animated Master Nameplate

Ranked Parachute Skin

Platinum, Diamond, Master Medal

Bonus rewards for Top 500 players:

A new Survivor Pass: Splash Royale is prepared for the approaching hottest season of the year. Read more details on the upcoming June Store Update announcement!



※ Clipping issue: Graphics that are shown outside the visible part of an image/object.


24.1 Highlights Live Maintenance Schedule Map Service (PC) Test Server Normal Match: Miramar / Vikendi Live Server - Normal Match Week 1: Erangel / Miramar / Vikendi / Sanhok / Karakin Week 2: Erangel / Taego / Deston / Sanhok / Paramo Week 3: Erangel / Miramar / Vikendi / Sanhok / Karakin Week 4: Erangel / Taego / Deston / Sanhok / Paramo Live Server - Ranked Deston has been replaced with Vikendi in the map pool. Vikendi (10%) Tactical Gear Tactical Gear Carrier The creation of the white passive marker is removed. The red active marker will be automatically created and maintained for 7 seconds after a scan. Players who are equipped with a Jammer Pack are undetectable with the Blue Chip Detector. merging them into a single versatile Repair Kit A single use on a Helmet or Vest A single use on a vehicle vehicle that can be interacted with New feature: Removing and installing tires cannot Emergency Pickup, BZ Grenade Jammer Pack, Mortar, and Panzerfaust Terrain Phase Item spawn Vehicle spawn Blizzard Zone Cable Car Comeback BR Crowbar Interaction Sound Minimap Vikendi has been added to the map pool with a 10% matchmaking probability. not Custom Match World - Vikendi Tutorial Workshop Chest Performance Bug Fixes