

Jul 02, 2023

Remnant 2 classes

Find out everything you need to know about the new and varied Remnant 2 classes you can play as and upgrade them on PS5, Xbox, and PC

Joe Apsey

Published: May 10, 2023

Gunfire Games is going bigger in almost every way with Remnant 2 and one of the core ways they are doing that is with deeper and more interesting Remnant 2 classes. Each class is vastly more complex and intricate than the first game with its own unique playstyles, skills, perks, and buffs which can be combined together as you progress through the game.

Below, you can find a full deep dive into each of the classes Gunfire Games have announced so far for Remnant 2. It will be a good idea to find your favourite before the Remnant 2 release date arrives this Summer.

There are two Remnant 2 classes confirmed so far and they are:

These two archetypes in Remnant 2, the Gunslinger and Handler, each offer an in-depth selection of abilities, skills, weapons, and support abilities to help boost your team and help them survive.

There will be even more classes revealed as we approach the release of the game in the Summer of 2023. But, you can find deeper dives into each one below:

The Gunslinger is a firearms expert and has a number of perks that boost their effectiveness with the weapons in their kit. They are kings at dealing damage, ammo efficiency, and pumping out bullets faster than you can think.

The perks on offer with the Gunslinger include:

The Gunslinger skills in Remnant 2 are:

The Handler class comes with a companion which can help support you and your team. It is a jack-of-all-trades support class, able to do a number of things including damage, support your team, and distract enemies. This is all done through commands with your companion which can have them distract enemies or help you and your team out.

The perks on offer with the Handler include:

The commands your companion can be given replace the Handler skills and are as follows:

That is what you need to know about how the Remnant 2 classes work with the bigger and bolder sequel. The game has a chance to become one of the best Xbox co-op games or best PS5 co-op games by the time it releases.

Remnant 2 classes Remnant 2 classes Gunslinger Handler Loaded Swift Shot Posse Up Quick Hands Sleight of Hand