

Jul 03, 2023

Batman Cosplay Confirms the 1 Villain He'll Never Beat

Cosplayer @thehannahklein poses for a session dressed as the one villain in Batman's rogues’ gallery that the Dark Knight will never overcome.

Of all the enemies in Batman's rogues' gallery, there's one he's simply never going to be able to conquer. An amazing cosplay session reveals the one villain the Dark Knight just can't beat.

As good as the World's Greatest Detective is at keeping his rogues at bay, a new cosplay session shows exactly why Catwoman is always going to come out on top. On Instagram, cosplay account cosplay girls (@ammo.girls) posted a session featuring cosplayer Hannah Marie (@thehannahklein) dressed as Selina Kyle, seemingly inspired by the character's portrayal in the 2012 film, The Dark Knight Rises. Catwoman relaxes as she sits while Batman stands behind her. Bruce places a crown on Selina's head as she smirks slightly at the camera. The tableau is a real power move, showing Catwoman fully in charge with Batman unable to do anything but wait on Selina's every beck and call.

In his determination to save the soul of Gotham City, Bruce Wayne has fought numerous criminals over the years. In addition to the hundreds of nameless thugs, Batman has gone up against a huge cache of villains with gimmicks and extraordinary abilities. From the force of nature that is Poison Ivy to the sheer strength of a Venom-enhanced Bane, Gotham has no short supply of villains that do everything in their power to destroy Batman. However, being the legend that he is, Bruce always finds a way to defeat his enemies and keep the people of his beloved home safe. No matter how many times the Caped Crusader's enemies return, Batman is always there to take them down. Except Catwoman.

The cosplay received hundreds of likes and several comments expressing their appreciation for the session. And granted, Catwoman hasn't been a traditional villain in years. Nowadays, she fits more of the anti-hero role when she isn't strictly on Batman's side, rather than a straight-up villain like Joker or Scarecrow. However, that doesn't mean Selina and Bruce don't have their occasional disagreements. But even when they're not in sync with one another, Batman just can handle Catwoman the same way he does his usual villains.

Bruce has had a lot of love interests in his life, but only Selina has truly gotten to know who he is deep down at his core. Even in its infancy, the two's relationship was always different from Batman's dynamic with the rest of his villains. Bruce fell in love with Selina, even idolized her. Hannah Marie's cosplay understands that Batman doesn't see Catwoman as a villain. Bruce and Selina's relationship is a complex thing, but at the center of it is a genuine fondness and appreciation that the Dark Knight has for Catwoman. He might be capable of taking down every villain he comes across, but this cosplay gets that Catwoman is the one 'villain' who has already conquered Batman.

Source: cosplay girls via Instagram