

Nov 14, 2023

COP28 official: We need oil and gas at the table on climate

Photo illustration: Annelise Capossela/Axios. Photo: Presley Ann/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images

The upcoming United Nations climate summit in Dubai will be aimed at closing the gap between Paris Agreement's climate goals and global emissions commitments, according to COP28 director-general Majid al-Suwaidi.

Why it matters: COP28 is viewed as a last-ditch effort to limit warming to the most ambitious Paris target of 1.5°C (2.7°F) above preindustrial levels by 2100, by bending the trajectory of emissions sharply downward.

Yes, but: Many climate scientists already view that target as out of reach because of the cumulative impact of human-caused greenhouse emissions, and recent trends.

Driving the news: In an interview with Axios prior to his departure for pre-COP28 talks in Bonn, Germany, al-Suwaidi said this COP will stand out.

Zoom in: The summit, which starts Nov. 30, will feature the first "Global Stocktake" on the Paris Agreement.

As al-Suwaidi explains to Axios, "We can't say that Paris is a success if today we know we're off track for achieving the goals of Paris. So it's incumbent upon us to say, how do we get back on track?"

Of note: The world is currently on course to exceed 2°C of warming, but the UAE presidency is committed to keeping the 1.5°C goal in play, however challenging it may be.

Between the lines: As a major oil and gas producer, the UAE brings baggage, but also credibility in bringing fossil fuel companies more openly into the COP process.

Bringing the industry into the U.N. climate summit's fold is conditional, and is based on the view that oil and gas companies must be part of any climate change solutions, al-Suwaidi said.

What he's saying: "We can't have an exclusive conversation that misses out the whole constituency who are really arguably, who are best placed to help you solve the problem."

The intrigue: Al-Suwaidi said the incoming COP presidency is focused on having a "transparent" process. At past COPs, industry representatives "would come anyway" but not necessarily disclose their affiliations.

What's next: The Bonn meetings will set the stage for COP28. Besides the stocktake, the summit will include the hotly contested task of moving toward operationalizing a new fund for "loss and damage."

Why it matters: Yes, but: Driving the news: Zoom in: As al-Suwaidi explains to Axios, Of note: Between the lines: Bringing the industry into the U.N. climate What he's saying: The intrigue: What's next: