

May 08, 2023

‘Help bring Jerry home’

 A Linden High School graduate is asking for help from the public after his father was seriously injured in a crash in Florida that required brain surgery.

 Colby Kohmescher, a 2020 graduate who now plays football at Concordia University Ann Arbor, said his father, Jerry Kohmescher, needs help returning to Michigan. He was in a golf cart accident on April 28 and is currently in critical condition in a trauma hospital in Florida.

 Colby Kohmescher and his father's fiancée created a gofundme to help bring him back to Michigan to receive medical care. "The cost of just getting him home is going to be around $50,000. Unfortunately he is not able to be flown back to Michigan because of the injury, so he will have to use ground transportation," said Colby Kohmescher.

 Linden Pay It Forward wishes to aid the family and also is requesting help from the public. Jerry Kohmescher used to live in Linden and now lives in Flushing.

 According to the gofundme called "Help bring Jerry home," Jerry Kohmescher and his fiancée Noelle Hinson were on a vacation in Florida where he was involved in a "serious accident" and required brain surgery.

 "He is currently in critical condition in a trauma hospital in Florida and I desperately need to get him home to Michigan with me," Hinson wrote.

 "Together with Jerry's son Colby and our families I am asking for any help you can provide to make this transportation possible. Once he is home in Michigan, home to his beloved Tigers and Lions, we will be able to get him the care and financial assistance he needs to recover. Thank you for your gifts, your prayers and your healing thoughts. I am so grateful. Please share and forward to as many people as you can."

 As of Thursday, June 1, he is off the ventilator during the day and his family is hoping to get him out of ICU within the next week. On Monday, June 5, Colby Kohmescher said he would be out of the ICU soon. He would then be able to travel by ambulance to get home to Michigan to get the care he needs to recover.

 "Thank you for your gifts, your prayers and your healing thoughts. We are so grateful. Please share and forward to as many people as you can," said Nicki Wildeman, vice president of Linden Pay It Forward.

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