

Aug 06, 2023

UK to purchase missiles with a range of 100

The list of planned purchases has been published on the website of the UK government, Ukrinform reports with reference to the Hromadske news site.

The main requirements for missiles are that they must be launched from land, sea or air. The payload of ammunition should be from 20 to 490 kg. Other desirable requirements include Low Probability of Intercept (LPI), Mission Planning Capability, assured navigation (with hardened Global Navigation Satellite System capability) in the face of advanced countermeasures and EM spectrum denial, air defense penetration methods to increase probability of successful strike, and Technical Readiness Level of at least 8.

To increase the mobility of the Ukrainian army, the UK announced the purchase of engineering equipment and heavy equipment transporters:

Also, until April 26, the British Ministry of Defense planned to purchase equipment to strengthen Ukrainian air defense:

The purchase is to be made by the International Fund for Ukraine, managed by the UK Ministry of Defense. Norway, the Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden also joined the fund. Together with Iceland and Lithuania, they have already collected more than EUR 587 million.

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