

May 21, 2023

How you can exchange your old gas can for a brand new one

The goal of the Utah Clean Air Partnership (UCAIR) is to make it easier for individuals, businesses and communities to make small changes to improve Utah's air.

Every small change adds to a collective, bigger step towards better health, a better economy and better overall quality of life.

That's why Nomi Healthis partnering with UCAIR, investing $50,000 to help spread the message about the importance of clean air.

Nomi employees will be volunteering at the Gas Can Exchange event on Saturday, August 20, 2022 from 8am to 1pm (or until can exchange quantities run out). It's at the Salt Lake County Environmental Health Department, 788 Woodoak Lane in Murray.

Old gas cans make a leaky mess when you're trying to use them, they also constantly leak volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that pollute our air.

Exchanging 3,000 old gas cans results in emission reduction equivalent to taking 540 cars off the road per day over the five-year-life span of the gas can.

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