

May 21, 2023

How to Complete Mayday, Mayday in Destiny 2

Another week, another mission. And this time we’re here to save a fireteam that's gone missing beneath Titan's methane seas. Here's how to complete Mayday, Mayday in Destiny 2.

So, we’ve got another mission beneath the high-pressure waves. Let's get started.

Launch Mayday, Mayday

To launch this mission, head into the H.E.L.M. The icon will be just to the right and bottom of the Deep Dive icon on the right.

Airlock Door Opened

You’ll spawn into a small metal room, with a pool of water on one side and a door on the other. Turn towards the door and interact with the handle beside it. That will open the airlock.

Catch up with Sloane

We’ll enter a pretty familiar room which has featured heavily in each of the Deep Dives we’ve done so far. And all throughout it are Acolytes, Thralls, and Cursed Thralls. Fights your way through and head straight across, until you’re outside.

Keep going straight until you reach a yellow door that has two of Ahsa's gifts outside of it. These seem to be randomized, so pick whichever strikes your fancy.

Dive into the Midnight Depth

Now that you have your buff, the door will open. Today, we’ll be diving into the Midnight Depth. Last week, we were in the Twilight Depths, so we’re getting deeper and deeper.

Step forward and descend into the pool of water.

Walk through the pried-open door then turn left. To your left will be a giant circular recess. This is where we’ll need to go. If you look closely, you’ll see a fan at the bottom, which is currently on. Beside it is a switch that you can activate to turn it off.

Do so, then descend between the blades.

Once you fall through, look to your left. You should see another small recess which you can fall through. Do that, then do it once more, always aiming lower and lower. There are plenty of bubbles here, so you shouldn't worry about running out of air.

When you encounter a door, interact with its handle and you’ll finally be inside.

Plant Egregore Resonator

We need to get the gear of our missing fireteam back online. So, let's plant that resonator.

To do that, open the next door by interacting with its handle. You’ll enter a large, open, outdoor area. Plant the resonator right in front of you, in the white circle outlined on the floor.

Taken will start spawning, but they’re nothing we can't handle.

Refit the Extractor's Power Cells

We’ll now need to kill the Taken and refit three Power Cells. There's one on the left side, center, and right side. Clear out the Taken mobs before grabbing it, as it counts as a heavy weapon and thus means you can't shoot while carrying it. But there's really nothing to stop you from dropping it and shooting anyone who gets in your way.

Important to note, these Power Cells are beneath Hive coral, so shoot the coral off in order to grab it.

New icons will appear on the map which will show you where to deposit the Power Cell.

Do this three times in total.

Repair the Machine

Once you’ve inserted all three Power Cells, you’ll need to repair it three times as well. Everything's always in threes, isn't it?

A Wrathful Predator will spawn into the field, along with a new mob of Taken. Kill the Wrathful Predator and it will drop a wrench that you’ll need to carry back to the same console you inserted the power cells into.

When you’ve completed the first repair, a new mob of Taken and a new Wrathful Predator will spawn. I had a little trouble finding it at first, but keep searching the arena and you should be able to locate the mob. Kill and take the Wrathful Predator's wrench to complete the second repair.

If you’re having trouble getting the third Wrathful Predator to spawn, clear out all the Taken mobs. That did the trick for me.

Resonator Activated

You’ll be teleported into a new section of the map. Our goal is to activate the resonator. Go through the nearby door, down the short corridor, and plant it outside the door.

RELATED: Destiny 2: Fast and Easy Exotic Fish Farm Guide

Defeat Kudazad, Bound to Xivu Arath

Last step! Let's beat that boss.

Kudazad is a fairly straightforward encounter. It has two health bars, and it will spend its first health bar floating over the platform at the far center of the map. I really do not recommend standing on that platform, as the Wizard will create a Taken ritual circle that will boop you up into the air and potentially off the edge.

Don't ask me how I know.

Once you get Kuazad down to half health, it will gain an invincible shield and three Drowned Ogres will spawn. They appear near each of the Hive statues, with one on the middle platform where Kudzad lurks, one on the left platform, and one on the right near the cliff wall.

When all three are dead, Kuzad will become much more mobile, likely closing the gap between you and it. But it's a straightforward fight from here. Use cover and cull the mobs of Hive that will continuously spawn during this fight.

Extract the Egregore Coral

When the Wizard goes down, you can approach the center platform to grab your coral. Congrats!

Witness the conversation

Head to the H.E.L.M. and go down the stairs toward the aquarium. Zavala will be there and he’ll have a chat with Saint-14.

Give coral to Sloane

Once the conversation is done, head through the blue portal and interact with Sloane. This will deposit the coral and let you witness another "conversation" between the two.

Speak to Sloane

Sloane will vanish, and we’ll need to have the debriefing in the next room. Head through the portal, then interact with the Sonar Station. Sloane will then tell you what she experienced.

For your trouble, you’ll get a new Taken weapon! And that concludes our mission for this week.

Now that you’ve taken care of that, why not check out some of the secrets that the Deep Dive is hiding? Including the newly available Midnight Flora and Fauna. Here's our guide on how to do just that here: All Deep Dive Secrets in Destiny 2.

A lawyer turned game journalist, Daphne Fama spends an inordinate amount of time playing games across the spectrum but she'll always have a soft spot for horror and JPRGs. Want to see all the best animal pictures the internet has to offer? Follow her on twitter at @DaphneFama.

More Stories by Daphne Fama

Launch Mayday, Mayday Airlock Door Opened Catch up with Sloane Dive into the Midnight Depth Plant Egregore Resonator Refit the Extractor's Power Cells Repair the Machine Wrathful Predator Resonator Activated RELATED: Destiny 2: Fast and Easy Exotic Fish Farm Guide Defeat Kudazad, Bound to Xivu Arath Extract the Egregore Coral Witness the conversation Give coral to Sloane Speak to Sloane All Deep Dive Secrets in Destiny 2